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Business License

Business License

Business Information Search
Business Name:
License Number:
License Category:
Owner Name:
Address Number:
Street Name:
Search Tips: This search is flexible and allows you to search multiple ways.

You could search using just one or several of the fields above. It isn't necessary to fill in all the fields for the search to be successful.

For example, you could search by only the License Category that applies to your Business, and it would return all open businesses in that category. Scroll through the search results to find your business, and then click on your Business Number to open it.

To search by your Business Address, you could enter just the Address Number and search on all the businesses with that address number, and then choose yours from the search results. You could also search by both the Address Number and the Street Name to filter out businesses on other streets with your same address number.

Do NOT enter Street Direction (E,W,N,S) or Street Suffix (St, Ave, Blvd, etc.).
Do NOT enter the Suite or Unit Number in the Street Name field (or any other field).
To search by the Business Name or Owner Name, enter either the EXACT NAME of the Business or the Owner, in their respective fields, or the beginning part of one of those names.
  Using any of the search tips above, a list of potential matches will be displayed. Click on your Business Number to open it.
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